Monday, September 30, 2019

Mycenae and Agamemnon Essay

Mycenae lies about 90 kilometres south-west of Athens. From around 1600BC-1100BC Mycenae was a highly wealthy and influential city, dominating much of southern Greece. The Mycenaean Era was named in reference to the city. THE DISCOVERY OF MYCENAE It was Heinrich Schliemann who first completely excavated the city of Mycenae. The controversial archaeologist was searching for evidence that Agamemnon, the king who led the Greeks to fight Troy in the Trojan War. Schliemann was determined to prove that the Trojan War was a real event; in fact his career was based around his desire for this. After failing to find any definitive evidence in his search for Troy, he turned to Mycenae. In 1841 another archaeologist had found and restored the Lion Gate that marks the entrance to the city of Mycenae, but Schliemann was the first to systematically excavate the entire site. He believed that the Homeric tales described actual historical events and used his discoveries at Mycenae to back this up. DISOVERIES MADE AT THE SITE Discovered in Grave Circle A by Schliemann’s team, a dagger shows the militaristic values of the Mycenaean’s. From the weapons buried with most of the bodies found, we can deduct that the Mycenaean’s were not a peaceful people. They revelled in fighting, as shown by the violent motifs on their stelae and decorative weapons. Most graves featured full sets of weapons, both real and decorative. We can assume that life for the men of Mycenae would have had a heavy focus on fighting , with men of higher status being shown as brave fighters. This is also shown through the architecture of the city, particularly the Cyclopean walls. These huge walls show a need for a defensive attitude, which demonstrates the Mycenaean’s military attitude. On this dagger there is a depiction of a lion hunt, which shows that the Mycenaean’s hunted for sport. This further reflects the aggressive principles of the city. Double axe and bull motifs show a Minoan influence in Mycenaean culture. Within the graves in Grave Circle A there were many objects that had been made in Mycenae but in Minoan style. This reflects an appreciation for Minoan design and an obvious link through trade and travel between Minoan Crete and Mycenae. Later the former would be conquered by the latter. In Mycenae there would have been trading of goods from Minoan Crete and an admiration of the techniques, since they were implemented in wares produced within Mycenae. The graves themselves also shed light upon burial practises and status in Mycenae. The graves themselves are shaft graves, 4 metres deep with the dead placed in a cist at the bottom along with many decadent grave goods. The Grave would sometimes be marked with a stone Stele at ground level. These stelae would be used to depict things like chariot scenes, showing the heroic nature of the deceased buried below. The grave goods showed the status of the deceased, with gold and weapons showing a higher status. This shows that burial was not only a valued practise, but also reflected status and worth, depending on what you were buried with. The so-called â€Å"Nestor’s Cup† was a particularly important discovery for Schliemann. His team recovered the vessel from Shaft Grave IV and Schliemann identified it as the â€Å"Cup of Nestor† as written about in the Illiad. However the cup differs from Homer’s description in number of handles, the design of the birds, and size. It also is from the wrong time to have been used in the Trojan War according to some critics. However, this didn’t discourage Schliemann from his firm belief in the Homeric tales. This is one of the many discoveries Schliemann made that he believed contributed to proving that the tales detail historical events. CONTROVERSIES Within a shaft grave V Schliemann discovered a skeleton with a gold mask covering his face- a face which he believed was that of the legendary Agamemnon. However, in recent years critics have developed more and more arguments to the effect that the mask may be a hoax. William Calder gives the following reasons for his sceptical nature towards Schliemann’s find: The features of the mask are inconsistent with the other masks found; Schliemann had considered making fakes of the gold he found at Troy to give forgeries to give to the government; contemporaries of Schliemann allege that he planted artefacts to later â€Å"discover† them; the excavations at both Mycenae and Troy had been closed just a few days after the discovery of the gold, suggesting that he was expecting to find these treasures and nothing else; excavations were closed for 2 days shortly before Schliemann found the mask, what could Schliemann have been doing; Sophia allegedly has a relative in Athens that was a goldsmith; No other Mycenaean grave has anywhere near what was discovered in shaft grave V; Schliemann had claimed he had excavated other finds elsewhere, when it was later revealed that he had bought them. David Traill suggests that perhaps the Agamemnon mask wasn’t manufactured, but found from a later tomb. Both of his appeals for a scientific examination of the mask have been denied by the Greek authorities. In response to Calder and Traill many argue that their claims are unfounded and lack any scholarly backing, and have their own arguments in response. They insist that Schliemann was carefully monitored by Greek authorities throughout his excavation, which both Calder and Triall admit to in their own publishing. Kenneth Lapatin explains that the days where Calder alleged Schliemann had time to get a mask made, were before any masks had been found yet. Although he does admit it is possible the mask may have been â€Å"enhanced† after it was discovered. Both sides of the debate present both personal opinions and insinuations mixed in with actual fact. Considering the dishonest nature of Schliemann it is easy to believe he planted the mask. But when considering the work at Mycenae alone, there is no undoubtable evidence to suggest that he was dishonest about that particular find, only rumour and hearsay. From the collections of circumstantial suggestions put forward by Triall and Calder, their theories become increasingly believable. However, some parts of their arguments seem reminiscent of conspiracy theories, so perhaps it’s best to take the mask as an important –if disputed- archaeological find, but not proving the existence of Agamemnon. BIBILOGRAPHY eh351.jsp?obj_id=2573,_Mycenae

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Effects of Wolf Predation

This paper discusses four hypotheses to explain the effects of wolf predation on prey populations of large ungulates. The four proposed hypotheses examined are the predation limiting hypothesis, the predation regulating hypothesis, the predator pit hypothesis, and the stable limit cycle hypothesis. There is much research literature that discusses how these hypotheses can be used to interpret various data sets obtained from field studies. It was concluded that the predation limiting hypothesis fit most study cases, but that more research is necessary to account for multiple predator – multiple prey The effects of predation can have an enormous impact on the ecological organization and structure of communities. The processes of predation affect virtually every species to some degree or another. Predation can be defined as when members of one species eat (and/or kill) those of another species. The specific type of predation between wolves and large ungulates involves carnivores preying on herbivores. Predation can have many possible effects on the interrelations of populations. To draw any correlations between the effects of these predator-prey interactions requires studies of a long duration, and tatistical analysis of large data sets representative of the populations as a whole. Predation could limit the prey distribution and decrease abundance. Such limitation may be desirable in the case of pest species, or undesirable to some individuals as with game animals or endangered species. Predation may also act as a major selective force. The effects of predator prey coevolution can explain many evolutionary adaptations in both predator and prey species. The effects of wolf predation on species of large ungulates have proven to be controversial and elusive. There have been many different odels proposed to describe the processes operating on populations influenced by wolf predation. Some of the proposed mechanisms include the predation limiting hypothesis, the predation regulating hypothesis, the predator pit hypothesis, and the stable limit cycle hypothesis (Boutin 1992). The purpose of this paper is to assess the empirical data on population dynamics and attempt to determine if one of the four hypotheses is a better model of the effects of wolf predation on ungulate population densities. The predation limiting hypothesis proposes that predation is the primary factor that limits prey density. In this non- equilibrium model recurrent fluctuations occur in the prey population. This implies that the prey population does not return to some particular equilibrium after deviation. The predation limiting hypothesis involves a density independent mechanism. The mechanism might apply to one prey – one predator systems (Boutin 1992). This hypothesis predicts that losses of prey due to predation will be large enough to Many studies support the hypothesis that predation limits prey density. Bergerud et al. (1983) concluded from their study of the interrelations of wolves and moose in the Pukaskwa National Park that olf predation limited, and may have caused a decline in, the moose population, and that if wolves were eliminated, the moose population would increase until limited by some other regulatory factor, such as food availability. However, they go on to point out that this upper limit will not be sustainable, but will eventually lead to resource depletion and population decline. Seip (1992) found that high wolf predation on caribou in the Quesnel Lake area resulted in a decline in the population, while low wolf predation in the Wells Gray Provincial Park resulted in a slowly increasing population. Wolf predation at the Quesnel Lake area remained high despite a fifty percent decline in the caribou population, indicating that mortality due to predation was not density-dependent within this range of population densities. Dale et al. (1994), in their study of wolves and caribou in Gates National Park and Preserve, showed that wolf predation can be an important limiting factor at low caribou population densities, and may have an anti-regulatory effect. They also state that wolf predation may affect the distribution and abundance of caribou populations. Bergerud and Ballard (1988), in their interpretation of the Nelchina caribou herd case history, said that during and immediately following a reduction in the wolf population, calf recruitment increased, which should result in a future caribou population increase. Gasaway et al. (1983) also indicated that wolf predation can sufficiently increase the rate of mortality in a prey population to prevent the population's increase. Even though there has been much support of this hypothesis, Boutin (1992) suggests that â€Å"there is little doubt that predation is a limiting factor, but in cases where its magnitude has been measured, t is no greater than other factors such as hunting. † A second hypothesis about the effects of wolf predation is the predation regulating hypothesis, which proposes that predation regulates prey densities around a low-density equilibrium. This hypothesis fits an equilibrium model, and assumes that following deviation, prey populations return to their pre-existing equilibrium levels. This predator regulating hypothesis proposes that predation is a density-dependent mechanism affecting low to intermediate prey densities, and a density-independent mechanism at high prey densities. Some research supports predation as a regulating mechanism. Messier (1985), in a study of moose near Quebec, Canada, draws the conclusion that wolf-ungulate systems, if regulated naturally, stabilize at low prey and low predator population densities. In Messier's (1994) later analysis, based on twenty-seven studies where moose were the dominant prey species of wolves, he determined that wolf predation can be density-dependent at the lower range of moose densities. This result demonstrates that predation is capable of regulating ungulate populations. Even so, according to Boutin (1992) ore studies are necessary, particularly at high moose densities, to determine if predation is regulatory. A third proposal to model the effects of wolf predation on prey populations is the predator pit hypothesis. This hypothesis is a multiple equilibria model. It proposes that predation regulates prey densities around a low-density equilibrium. The prey population can then escape this regulation once prey densities pass a certain threshold. Once this takes place, the population reaches an upper equilibrium. At this upper equilibrium, the prey population densities re regulated by competition for (and or availability of) food. This predator pit hypothesis assumes that predator losses are density-dependent at low prey densities, but inversely density-dependent at high prey densities. Van Ballenberghe (1985) states that wolf population regulation is needed when a caribou herd population declines and becomes trapped in a predator pit, wherein predators are able to prevent caribou populations from increasing. The final model that attempts to describe the effects of predation on prey populations is the stable limit cycle hypothesis. This hypothesis proposes that vulnerability of prey to predation depends on past environmental conditions. According to this theory, individuals of a prey population born under unfavorable conditions are more vulnerable to predation throughout their adult lives than those born under favorable conditions. This model would produce time lags between the proliferation of the predator and the prey populations, in effect generating recurring cycles. Boutin (1992) states that if this hypothesis is correct, the effects of food availability (or the lack of) should be more subtle than outright starvation. Relatively severe inters could have long- term effects by altering growth, production, and vulnerability. Thompson and Peterson (1988) reported that there are no documented cases of wolf predation imposing a long-term limit on ungulate populations independent of environmental influences. They also point out that summer moose calf mortality was high whether predators were present or not, and that snow conditions during the winter affected the vulnerability of calves to predation. Messier (1994) asserts that snow accumulation during consecutive winters does not create a cumulative impact on the nutritional status of deer and All of the four proposed theories mentioned above could describe the interrelationships between the predation of wolves and their usual north american prey of large ungulate species. There has been ample evidence presented in the primary research literature to support any one of the four potential models. The predation limiting hypothesis seems to enjoy wide popular support, and seems to most accurately describe most of the trends observed in predator-prey populations. Most researchers seem to think that more specific studies need to be conducted to find an ideal model of the effects of predation. Bergerud and Ballard (1988) stated â€Å"A simple numbers argument regarding prey:predator ratios overlooks the complexities in multi-predator-prey systems that can involve surplus killing, additive predation between predators, enhancement and interference between predator species, switch over between prey species, and a three-fold variation in food consumption rates by wolves. † Dale et al. (1994) stated that further knowledge of the factors affecting prey switching, such as density-dependent changes in vulnerability within and between prey species, and further knowledge of wolf population response is needed o draw any firm conclusions. Boutin (1992) also proposed that the full impact of predation has seldom been measured because researchers have concentrated on measuring losses of prey to wolves only. Recently, bear predation on moose calves has been found to be substantial, but there are few studies which examine this phenomenon (Boutin 1992). Messier (1994) also pointed out that grizzly and black bears may be important predators of moose calves during the summer. Seip (1992), too, states that bear predation was a significant cause of adult caribou mortality.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Disaster rescue plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Disaster rescue plan - Research Paper Example Disaster rescue plan When more than one approach, strategy or disciple is adopted in handling a particular disaster incidence, we say a multi-disciplinary response has been adopted. According the Karimganj District Resource Inventory (2011), a â€Å"disaster is a sudden, calamitous event bringing great damage, loss, and destruction and devastation to life and property.† Indeed for a large, cargo plane to be on fire prior to its scheduled flight is less than a disaster, which like all other forms of disasters, need rapid and urgent management solutions. As the emergency manager my very first approach towards handling such an aircraft disaster would be to contact all needed resource personnel and agencies whose duties are related to disaster management and control. Even before thinking of who and who would be part of the people to be contacted, I would first have in mind the need to make the agencies and personnel multi-disciplinary. In other words, I would form a multi-disciplinary committee. The n eed for constituting a multi-disciplinary committee lies in the following reasons: firstly, this would provide me the opportunity to tap and enjoy the different expertise and specialization of all the different agencies and personnel who will be contacted. This is because aircraft disasters are caused by a couple of factors, which demand the expertise and knowledge of as many intellectuals as possible. Constituting and multi-disciplinary committee would there put the identification of causes a step further, where by a more holistic approach would be taken by the different agencies. Secondly, a multi-disciplinary response has a greater probability of ensuring efficiency and speedy delivery of mandated task. This advantage is very important because aircraft disasters involve several precious lives and the public would certainly be itchy for information. For this reason, employing the responsibility of finding causes and scrutiny of extent of damage as well as the general management of the disaster into the hands of just a few people or agencies would make the public sit on thorns for long. Finally, a multi-disciplinary response would ensure credibility of findings and management task. This is so to speak because the collective conclusion drawn by many different experts from different backgrounds and with different duties about a single accident is more reliable than a single conclusion drawn by only one agency. Indeed it is for the reason of such advantages of multi-disciplinary response listed above that â€Å"in February 2005, the National Integration Center (NIC) gathered together several emergency management organizations to begin collaborating on NIMS implementation† (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2007). With the above points in mind, as the emergency manager, I would the following agencies for finding causes into the disaster and managing the disaster. They would include the police, the national fire and rescue service, federal bureau of inve stigation (FBI), Red Cross society and the national media commission. Among these agencies, the national fire and rescue service would be the lead agency when I arrive. The national fire and rescue service would also be responsible for rescuing the crew and mitigating the fire. This is primarily because the fire and rescue service has a core mandate and responsibility of handling fire situations. Apart from the roles mentioned above that would be handed the fire and resc

Friday, September 27, 2019

How modern portfolio theory can be used to manage the portfolio of Essay

How modern portfolio theory can be used to manage the portfolio of your own_ - Essay Example The pros barely edged the DJIA by a margin of 51 to 49 contests† (Investor Home, 2011). An investor simply parking their money in the Dow would have beaten the specific picks of the professionals about half the time, even without transaction costs or taxes. Even worse, later research found that the pros got a break due to the announcement effect of the stock (Liang, 1996). When the pros made an announcement, others invested naively, but these stocks later reversed quite quickly: When taking this into account, the pros did not beat the dartboard! And in the last year of the contest, the readers won slightly (Jasen, 2002). All of this seems to sink the idea of portfolio analysis: If the best pros in the world using the best techniques can't beat random chance, how can anyone? But modern portfolio tools have given investors, particularly newer ones, skills for constructing an asset portfolio that will beat out mutual funds and naive investment. The Failure of Mutual Funds It's not just professionals that struggle to create value. Mutual funds are also very bad at generating growth, and they have the advantage not only of many investors and many analysts but also time and a diverse portfolio! â€Å"By and large, what you're going to find is that very, very few active funds consistently match the performance of the various indexes over the long-term, much less beat them... Finding a fund that consistently beat its index is like looking for a needle in a haystack† (Distad, 2009). Distad's data shows that very few funds beat out the market over time. Further, he notes that many of these actively managed funds are highly unreliable in terms of their fidelity. 80% had performance history only going back a year, out of a random sample of almost 3500 funds! Investors need to construct their own portfolio, not just rely on mutual funds that have had a mixed record of success and have certainly suffered after events like Enron, WorldCom and the 2008 collapse. A ssets Chosen I chose two assets: Whole Foods (WFMI) and Nintendo (NTDOY.PK). I wanted to pick two assets, one of which was more of a growth asset and another which was an asset that produced products I was familiar with and that I knew something about the likely market response to. The goal for both was risk control first and growth second: That is, I wanted there to be a steadiness to the line, whether it was going horizontally or sloping upwards. I selected based off of a visual analysis of both companies over five years, then used iQfront's analysis to see what the statistics were, and was pleasantly surprised. Modern portfolio theory emphasizes that risk has to be measured based on the variance of the stock (Goetzmann, 2011). Indeed, the core idea is that a tangency line can be created that has a riskless asset used as a baseline for comparison where both risk-averse and risk-accepting investors could invest comfortably, a perfect middle ground (Goetzmann, 2011). But finding tha t perfect portfolio is difficult, because â€Å"a major difficulty in estimating an efficient frontier accurately is that errors grow as the number of assets increase. You cannot just dump all the means, std's and correlations for the world's assets into an optimizer and turn the crank† (Goetzmann, 2011). We will return to why analyzing risk this way is compelling since other forms of risk are so appallingly inaccurately determined (Danielsson, 2009). In any respect, while growth is easy to measure (just look at how it's

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Organisations and Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Organisations and Behaviour - Essay Example BT Plc is an integrated company with two main departments. In both the departments, separate procedures are conducted for the completion of the business processes. The organization has a huge scope of proving its excellence in the future as well. The values, policies, collection of traditions, attitudes and beliefs constitute the organizational culture of BT Plc. High values encourage the employees and increase their efficiency thereby increasing the performance of the organization (Yeo and Li, 2011). Ryan Air Ltd being one of the low cost airlines in Fingal, Ireland possesses a functional organizational structure. It is one of the most successful examples of the low cost business models. There are different levels of management. The values act as the core of the organization including reliability, quality, action, feedback and informal communication. The functional organization structure separates the series of activities in different segments. Ryan Air Plc changes the organizationa l structure by expanding the business operations for the allocation of responsibilities to all the employees in appropriate manner. The main success behind the successful organization structure is the coordination in different departments within the organization. The organization was launched with the aim to achieve the low cost leadership model. But at the same time, Ryan Air Ltd did not want that the name of the organization to get associated with anything cheap. The airline has built and maintained a work culture which is said to be an exciting place to work in. The cost cutting strategies are implemented in each and every aspect of the organization. The employees in the organization are awarded for their excellent performances and at the same time, reprimanded on... According to the study findings  the organizational structure helps in the systematic functioning of the business operations. It’s objective of implementing cost effective techniques help in improving the financial performance as well. The most important business activity of the company is delivering mobile services to the customers. In the period of rapid technological change, the company maintains market leadership in United Kingdom. The organizational structure has helped in strengthening its international presence as well. BT Plc is an integrated company with two main departments. In both the departments, separate procedures are conducted for the completion of the business processes. The organization has a huge scope of proving its excellence in the future as well. The values, policies, collection of traditions, attitudes and beliefs constitute the organizational culture of BT Plc. High values encourage the employees and increase their efficiency thereby increasing the p erformance of the organization.This paper highlights that the organizational culture and organizational structure is dependent on each other. In business world, the organizational structure determines the attitudes, behaviours, dispositions, ethics etc which creates work culture. For example- If the organizational structure of a company is hierarchical in nature then it would reflect the absence of freedom or autonomy in the lower levels.  The procedure by which a company allocates power determines employee behaviour.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Relationship between North Korea Citizen and Government Essay

Relationship between North Korea Citizen and Government - Essay Example It also avoided dissent and unrest from its citizenry by blocking â€Å"corrupt ideas† coming from the outside world particularly the West and promotes the idea that they â€Å"have nothing to envy in this world†. The Kim regime’s methodology for a time worked well because even if North Korea plunged into desperation with the famine of 1990s, with hunger that turned â€Å"vagabond children stealing fruit and hunting frogs; middle-aged women haggling over cheap Chinese-made goods in black markets; college-educated women wading half-naked across the Tumen River to sell themselves into arranged marriages with Chinese farmers; family patriarchs wasting away as the food rations ran out, often going raving mad before a quiet, hideous death from starvation† (Demick, 2009), North Koreans still believed that their government is serving them well. II. Example One of Regime’s Methods The first method employed by the North Korean government to control its peopl e is to physically isolate the country from the rest of the world. It is a deliberate scheme to create a vacuum in the minds of the North Korean people so that it would become receptive to whatever the government will say. ... In plain language, the Kim regime kept its citizenry ignorant about the world so that it will be easier to brain wash them. To illustrate the magnitude of how bent the ruling regime of North Korea in insulating its population from the influences of the outside world, it went as far as refusing humanitarian foreign aid when a great famine struck the country in the 1990s. As a result, many starved and died from hunger. Food rations became short and there was not even enough electricity that the country looks like a black hole at night when viewed from a satellite above because it was the only unlit region in Asia. This famine caused deaths by hundreds of thousands yet the people continued to believe that their government and Kim Jong Il is doing something good to them. The isolation that the North Korean government perpetuated was not only limited to the physical disconnection of its population from the outside world but also reinforced it with fear that anything outside its borders is evil. The West, â€Å"particularly United States† is being portrayed both as evil and enemy to ensure the psychological disconnect of its population from the west (particularly USA) and the rest of the world. Mi-Ran, one of the interviewed deserters narrated that during her youth â€Å"the radio and television played many times that South Koreans were miserable under the thumb of the pro- American puppet leader Park Chung- hee and, later, his successor, Chun Doohwan†; that their version of communism is â€Å"better than that of China because there are a lot of people going hungry in China†. Hearing this over and over again, Mi-Ran even believed that she was lucky to have been born in North Korea under the benevolence of their Great Leader.    III. Example

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Fiction analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fiction analysis - Essay Example Because the grandmother recognizes him, the entire family is taken back into the woods and killed with the exception of the grandmother, who is allowed to talk with the Misfit until the rest of the family is dead and then is killed there at the side of the road. A few more superficial comparisons can be made in that the main character of each story is a woman, each woman must face the death of her son and both women die by the end of the story for reasons they have little or no control over. However, there are deeper similarities between these two stories that emerge when one takes a closer look. These similarities include being written in the realist tradition, featuring men who suddenly realize their own common connections and both having a gothic element. One of the most glaring similarities between these two stories is that they are both written in the realist tradition. The realist tradition in American literature focused on the concept that people were just people, not submerge d divinities as the transcendentalists claimed or helpless victims of fate as the naturalists claimed. "These American realists believed that humanity's freedom of choice was limited by the power of outside forces" (Penrose). In other words, realism acknowledges individuals have their own power to make choices, but that they are also forced to work within boundaries established by external events. In Chopin's story, this is seen as Desiree finds herself trapped in a situation in which her beloved husband can no longer stand the sight of her because of the obviously mixed blood seen in their baby - a condition she cannot control. However, her fate is determined by her individual choice to "not take the broad, beaten road which led to the far-off plantation of Valmonde ... She disappeared among the reeds and willows that grew thick along the banks of the deep, sluggish bayou; and she did not come back again" (Chopin). It is also found in O'Connor's story as the grandmother is unable t o determine where she will go for a family vacation, but has the option of going along with the family or continuing to bid for a trip to Tennessee instead of Florida. In each case, there are limiting outside forces, but it is still the individual's choice that leads them to their fate. Both stories also have a strong gothic element. Some of the common elements of Gothic literature are emotional terror, some form of crumbling architecture, death and madness occurring among the characters, a sense of pervading darkness and plenty of secrets and hereditary curses (Hume 282). Desiree's home is dark enough to give Madame Volmonde shivers with its deeply sloping roof, "steep and black like a cowl," and the "big, solemn oaks" whose "thick-leaved, far-reaching branches shadowed it like a pall" (Chopin), giving a strong instance of foreshadowing in the symbolism used within this description. The nearby marshes, the stubble of the fields that cut Desiree's feet on the November evening that s he disappears, and the prevailing gloom of the harshly treated slaves all function to create a gothic environment. This is further enhanced by the mental anguish of the lady as she perceives

Monday, September 23, 2019

E-Recruiting Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

E-Recruiting - Term Paper Example I hope to gain more knowledge on improved techniques that can be used in organizations to get potential employees more easily using the Internet resources. This knowledge will also enhance an individual’s knowledge about technological advancement. E-Recruitment analysis E-recruiting is the process by which personnel are recruited by using electronic resources and in particular the Internet (Watson, 2008). Most recruitment agents and companies have relocated most of their recruitment processes online in order to enhance the speed at which potential candidates can match live vacancies. Online recruiting systems are time-saving to the employer since they can easily rate their e-candidate and also several other people in the human resource department can review these candidates (Gary, 2005). The database technologies used in this program in conjunction with worthy search engines that advertise online jobs enable candidates to fill posts in a remarkably short period. In the ninetee nth century, recruitment was centrally based on an apprenticeship methodology. Organizations had apprentices who were not employees in the organization and after completion of the apprenticeship they were given jobs in the company. Comparison between the apprentices and skilled candidates proves that the skilled candidates are considered more desirable since they have the necessary qualifications pertaining to the job vacancy. With the needed employee data in the Human Resource Information System databases, Human Resource executives are free to pursue creative thinking and critical projects. This technology uses the power of online CV search technology to search resume databases and aid employers together with the human resource personnel actively search for valid candidates... This essay stresses that the Human Resource department is truly changing the operational phenomena in organizations that have adapted this change. The Human Resource Management System will ensure that employee’s data is managed effortlessly. The use of this system also reduces data-entry errors which are common in the traditional recruitment methods. In a considerate view, the paper-based processes detain about 80% of the information whereas the software system can detain all the data. The optimizing of the Human Resource management software system requires identification and investing in the right system to suit the business’s demands. One can also examine the technological, cultural and economic parameters. The communication factor also affects the competitive nature of the company by either increasing or decreasing it depending on the organization’s productivity. Employee satisfaction is also impacted by the financial capability of the employer. This also affe cts the health requirements and wellness of the employee in several ways. This article makes a concluiosn that nowadays, Human Resource managers are channeling their attention in motivation, policies, relations and quality consciousness in conjunction with E-Recruitment. Lastly, there are other future advocated models like Triple I, Federal and Shamrock that have been proposed by HR professionals including the likes of Charles Handy among others. These are the future organizational models to be used in the future of E-Recruitment.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Macro Systems Paper Essay Example for Free

Macro Systems Paper Essay There are three types of service practices in the Social Work industry: Micro, Mezzo, and Macro. Social Work can be a very rewarding field to be involved in however, at the same time it can by very complex as well. Social workers will deal with many different issues and are around a lot of domestic and societal challenges. Some find out that they have a hard time dealing with the challenges and have to change the focus in their field. Social Work can be very empowering and rewarding when a worker helps a client find empowerment in their own life and the worker helps them get back on their feet. At the mezzo social work level the social worker usually works with families or small groups. Social workers on the micro level work with clients on an individual basis or one on one. This could be a Case Manager in a foster care facility. They will tend to the needs of the client or individual and assist them wherever they can. On the macro Social Work level the worker will be working with larger groups and larger organizations. A macro practice would be working to make new laws or change the current laws that slow the growth of the client population. If you decide to work in social services or are currently working in social services you will find yourself working the macro, micro and mezzo social work level. Social Work is great work. Many people choose this industry because they want to help people. They can see others pain and want to help relieve it. The social worker salary can very and unfortunately starts out lower on the typical American pay scale. The median expected salary for a social worker that has a 4-year degree in the field is around $46,500. If you continue your education and get a Masters in social work then the median becomes closer to $54,700.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Media & community Essay Example for Free

Media community Essay Media is often described as a watchdog of the community. Its has profound duties and responsibilities in our society. For a certain period of time, Media portrays an important role in community building. By its ability to reach out to the public, clearly indicate medias effectiveness in instilling confidence to the society trough comprehensive programming. Media is a protector of public interest. With its full dedication of their service to the public results a concern and aware society. Media has a wide importance to the interest of the public, but there are still some critical issues that contradict the purpose of media to society. During the US war with Iraq, media reputation encountered a tough test by airing wrong information and misleading the public. Another one is Canada’s sponsorship scandal in which public funds are misused through advertising firms. Although, these set of events are unethical for media, it is fair enough to say that media is still an effective watchdog of the public. Nevertheless, media continues to prove its importance as a watch dog of society. In most manner media is the best way to stay informed about current issues. In relation to the fast improvement of modern technology, media had further improved its importance on the interest of public. CNN I report Journalism, is a positive indication of modern effectiveness of media in modern technology. With this, the local citizenry has the chance to do and published their local story. Supporting this, medias efficiency as a watchdog of public interest creates a scenario of entertainment for the public. In the end, the media showcases both positive and negative effects in society. As further enhancement and development in the area occurs, we can further see the way it mould individual, groups and societies in different ways.

Friday, September 20, 2019

2D Colloidal Nanocrystal for Optoelectronic and Solar Cell

2D Colloidal Nanocrystal for Optoelectronic and Solar Cell Novel 2D colloidal nanocrystal for optoelectronic and solar cell applications Recently, 2D material has attracted tremendous attention due to their fascinating physicochemical properties. Particularly, the discovery of graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a 2D honeycomb lattice has ignited the research on this class of 2D materials due to extraordinary mechanical, electric and optical properties not observed in their bulk counterparts. Considering graphene is a simple material composed of only carbon element, it cannot satisfy the increasing requirements of diverse applications due to limitations in the versatility and the tunability of composition, structure and functionality in addition to the paradox between the high-mobility Fermi−Dirac electronic structure and the need for a size-dependent band gap for traditional semiconductor devices. As a result, of paramount importance and interest is to search alternative 2D materials which possess much more flexibility and diversity of composition, structure, and functionality. Layered metal di chalcogenides such as WS2 and MoS2 have been extensively investigated. Like graphite, the atoms within the host layers form strong covalent bonding with relatively weaker interactions between layers such as van der Waals force. Consequently, micromechanical cleavage by Scotch-tape is the most straightforward method to obtain an individual layer while retaining their intrinsic host structure. Though it is crucial to evaluate their physical properties, this approach is time-consuming and the yield is also low. More recently, a direct liquid exfoliation where a suitable solvent is selected to stabilize cleaved crystallites was proposed to produce nanosheets. This process, comprised of ion-exchange, osmotic swelling, and exfoliation, is useful, but the concentration of unilamellar nanosheet in the solution is still very low with the yield no more than a few tens of percentage and the properties of the resulting nanosheets are dictated by their parent 3D materials, which loses the opport unities to design and control over chemical composition and structure. In order to meet the demand for fabrication of functional nanostructured electronic and optoelectronic devices, a facile process to produce large amount of 2D nanocrystal (NC) with possibility of tuning the properties is really imperative. Colloidal chemical synthetic route has been demonstrated highly attractive and powerful for their low-cost synthesis to obtain NCs from solution in excellent yield with a good uniformity in terms of chemical composition, surface properties, shape, and size. The complete control over size, shape and structure of the colloidal NCs via tuning reaction chemistry provides new pathways to design material where size or shape dependent properties can be exploited. In this project, the metal dichalcogenides such as MoS2 and WS2, typically with a trilayer structure of covalently interconnected layers of S, M, and S atoms, will be the main candidates. High performance solar cells built from them in 2D NC form is the final goal. As such, colloidal synthetic route will require balance of the reagent choice and reaction chemistry to accurately control the growth in the NC. All the advantages of 2D colloidal NCs will be exploited to fabricate solar cells in low cost while retaining efficiencies towards 10%. The objectives of this proposal are as follows: Develop colloidal synthetic routes for 2D colloidal NCs. Balance the reagent choice and ligand chemistry to achieve NC growth with controllable size, shape, and particularly thickness. Assemble 2D colloidal NCs to device scale area and perform correlative material studies with electronic properties (carrier lifetime, photoluminescence, carrier mobility). Fabricate all-inorganic NC solar cells and optimize in the device parameter space towards high power conversion efficiency. The project will be divided into three work packages (WPs) with a number of tasks in each WP structured to achieve the aims and objectives. Work Package 1 Controllable synthesis Task 1.1 Develop colloidal synthetic routes to 2D semiconductor NCs. Hot-injection method which involves the injection of a cold solution of precursor molecules into hot liquid will be employed due to the instantaneous formation of nuclei with slow growth of the existing nuclei but not to new nucleation for well controlled size and thickness. The product will be separated by centrifuging and washed up for characterization and analysis by XRD, electron diffraction and HRTEM for structure, and EDS and Raman for chemical composition. Task 1.2 Monitor and control the thickness, doping and their effect on the optical properties. Unlike 0D and 1D NC, in addition to control over composition and structure of 2D NCs, of particular interest is to rationally design and tune the thickness-dependent optical and electronic properties. For example, few-layer MoS2 has an indirect bandgap, but when it is thinned to single-layer, it becomes direct bandgap leading to enhanced photoluminesence. In this task we will monitor the effects of the thickness distribution particularly on absorption and photoluminescence (lifetime and QY). The latter will also be used as a metric to decide on the more promising routes for device fabrication, focusing on highly PL materials as the most promising candidates. In addition, substitutional or interstitial doping of metal sites within 2D NC may be employed to engineer optical characteristics. Work Package 2 Optoelectronic Properties of NC solids The presence of covalently bound ligands on the surface of colloidal NC provide a versatile synthetic handle for tailoring the structure, stability, and importantly electronic and optical properties. The deviation of composition and atom arrangement along the terminating edge and corner sites of 2D colloidal NCs also offers another way to tune their properties. One of the key determinant factors of the performance of solar cells is the carrier mobility. In this task we will investigate ligand exchange strategies using ligands that are shorter than 0.3 nm and contain functional head groups such as di-thiol groups and carboxyl-acid based groups. At the same time those functional groups should serve to passivate dangling bonds and therefore their electron-donating density will be chosen accordingly. We will monitor the effect of those ligands on carrier mobility by performing CELIV measurements in diode structures resembling an actual solar cell device architecture as well as using FET mobility measurements. In addition to high carrier mobilities NC solids for efficient solar cells call for long carrier lifetimes. Such long lifetimes can be achieved by suppressing trap states and recombination centers typically caused at grain boundaries and interfaces. The role of this task is to monitor the degree of passivation of the ligands utilized with Photoluminescence and PL-lifetime measurements. Work Package 3 Photovoltaic device fabrication, testing and optimizing Task 3.1 We will develop simple Schottky and bilayer heterostructures in which the sole photoactive layer is the 2D NC which can be achieved by using a transparent n-type high bandgap semiconductor to form a junction. We will then perform carrier lifetime and recombination-rate characterization employing transient photovoltage and photocurrent measurements. Task 3.2 Optimization of heterojunctions based on 2D NCs. We will perform a device optimization study in which we will study the effect of layer thickness and contact selection to maximize efficiency. The optimized thickness will be sought as a combination of the expected carrier diffusion length and achievable depletion widths based on the mobility, lifetime and carrier density of the semiconductor. Appropriate contacts will be investigated based either on inorganic (MoOx) or organic hole transport layers (electron blocking layers).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Determinism :: essays research papers

In this essay I will give a clear and knowledgeable understanding of determinism by carefully explaining and comparing hard determinism and soft determinism. It will also be clarified that if either hard or soft determinism were true then there still would be a positive point to human action. Furthermore I will acknowledge that if one were to take on the views of a hard determinist then they would have to change both their emotional and personal relationships with other people. However, if one were to take on the view of a soft determinist then they would not have to change their relationship or opinions of people. Determinism is the philosophical view that every event that takes place can be explained. In other words every event that occurs, happens as a result of an event or set of events that have occurred before it. (Hoefer, 2005) According to this theory, if determinism is truethen, given the actual past, only one future is possible at any moment in time. Although determinists follow the same theory of determinism there are two different types of determinists: Hard determinists and Soft determinists. Both types of determinists share the same belief that everything is determined on a physical level that is, that all events that transpire within nature are determined by events that have happened before it. However they come into conflict when the discussion arises about non – physical determinants. Hard determinists believe that ones thoughts, decisions and actions are also determined by a set of events before them. The reason for this is that hard determinists view actions in the same category as events. Therefore if every event is caused by actions before it, the one taking the action could not have been able to act any differently. This is a very hard theory for some to comprehend, as they believe that if we do not have free will one is not in control of their actions and do not have a freedom of choice. (Nagel, 1987) Soft determinist’s although may believe that some decisions are determined they reject the meaning that hard determinists give to the words ‘free will’ and ‘moral responsibility’. Soft determinists believe that when someone states that they have made a free -will choice although they may know the decision is determined they went through the process of knowing that they are doing the choosing, that they had considered all other options and that no-one either externally or internally had corrupted their decision or made them choose a different option.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Youth :: Phylanthropy, Celebrities

The people that youth look up to should send a positive message to the young. They should be concerned about the development of america and the well being of the children that have to grow up in our time of war. Michael Jordon sends a positive message to kids such as "stay in school" and "dont do drugs". Michael donates a portion of his wealth to all sorts of charities and fund rasers. His work with youth has been improved on by doing disney movies such as "Space Jam". That particular movie didn't promote any drugs or any foul language. Other celebrities such as Brad Pitt haven't performed in any motion pictures that promote good values that children should live by. Take for example Brad pitts movie "Seven". Would you want your children to be watching a movie that promotes murder into some sort of masterpiece about the seven deadly sins? Or his movie "Fight Club", would you want your children to watch a movie that promote nothing but fighting and eventual terrorist groups destroying several buildings with Nytro Glycerin? Children are exposed to all sorts of celebrities, and you as a parent should help them along the way and find one that has set a good example to live by. Children should have a good role model like Michael Jordan who promotes charities and plays in the NBA. The idea of playing in the NBA would make any young child jump for joy at the thought of having the chance one day to do so.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

About Going to School Essay

As young Americans living in the 21st century, we have many options when it comes to what we want to do after we graduate high school. Many choose to go to college and earn a degree while others choose to go straight to work or join the military. While all are very good choices for the young men and women who choose each path, some might be more rewarding than others. Earning a degree is something I think all young adults should do regardless of which path they choose; it brings much more economic security, many more job opportunities, and, in most cases, a broader understanding of the world and how it works. One of the first major reasons for my believing this is the economic benefits of the college degree. As we all know, we have been in economic downturn for the past several years, and one study in 2008 found that this was due to a lack of college degrees, or partially at any rate. â€Å"One of the biggest developments in this year’s report is the strength of the relationship between higher education and the economy,† said Dewayne Matthews, Lumina’s vice president for policy and strategy. â€Å"People are beginning to understand that job growth is a structural issue, and that higher education is the key to economic growth. (UPI Top New, 2010) See more: My Writing Process Essay As you can tell, there is a correlation between what our economy does and the education that we, as Americans, receive after we leave high school and start to enter the real world. It is saying that the American economy cannot survive with employees that have limited knowledge and education. This is not to say that those who do not go to college do not contribute to society however there is an extremely important need for an educated populous to pull us out of this economic deficit. The opportunities for person to find a well paying job are exponentially increased upon receiving a degree from an accredited college or university. â€Å"America needs more workers with college degrees, certificates and industry certifications. † (Arabia 2000, 2010) This quote indicates another point I am trying to make: The employers in America simply cannot find the people they need to fill the jobs that require higher education and training. It used to be that you didn’t need a degree to get a job, sure it helped, but you didn’t have to have it. Well in today’s society it’s practically a requirement and the trend seems to only be growing. If this is the case, wouldn’t you want to arm yourself with as much education and prowess before meeting with employers who won’t consider your application if you do not have a degree attached to it? The answer is yes, you are more likely to get a job over someone if you have a degree and they do not. There is a correlation between jobs and degrees, and the article â€Å"Help Wanted: Projecting Jobs and Education Requirements through 2018† (Arabia 2000, 2010) indicates that this relation is growing closer and even estimates that 63% of all jobs will require some type of post-secondary degree by the year 2018. As you can see, there is substantial evidence leaning towards employers needing a degree, specifically the ones that will allow you to live in a comfortable middle-class lifestyle. Instead of exercising the appropriate mental muscles, we’re allowing ourselves to become a nation of nitwits, obsessed with the comings and goings of Lindsay Lohan and increasingly oblivious to crucially important societal issues that are all but screaming for attention. What should we be doing about the legions of jobless Americans, the deteriorating public schools, the debilitating wars, the scandalous economic inequality, the corporate hold on governmental affairs, the commercialization of the arts, the deficits? † (Guelph Mercury (ON, 2010) this seems rather harsh, but it speaks some truth. There seems to be a lot of Americans these days not contributing anything but TV ratings to society. It’s not a very pretty picture to paint of our country, but the author is saying that our world view is extremely limited and higher education helps broaden that. Going to college is a unique experience in its own, going off on your own, being independent and everything that comes with it. But what about the education you are receiving, when you receive a college education you receive the social responsibility as a global citizen to help us advance as a society. Through your college experiences you are obtaining the tools to go out and change the world, to be a responsible global citizen and to change the way things are going in this country. By not obtaining higher education you are sitting by and watching as the world zooms passed and doesn’t even glance your way. For those who choose to go to work or the military instead of college first, there are still options for you to earn a degree and become successful and earn a higher pay and better job. If you attended a career center and decided to go straight to work, you can and should pursue a degree in the field that you trained in, some jobs might even pay for you to go and getting more training in order to have you as a strong asset in the future. Other companies might even pay towards your student loans after graduating college. New Hampshire has a program called â€Å"Stay Work Play† (Work-Life Newsbrief & Trend Report, 2009) that uses incentives for companies to keep jobs in the state by paying $8,000 towards your college loans and get you to work for them. As for the military, you have the option to go to college for free. The GI Bill of Rights (FDCH Congressional Testimony, 2010) was created at the end of World War II and contains a provision to help pay for servicemen and women to attend college. This give you the option to earn a degree and still serve your country, and get a high pay and maybe earn a higher status in the military by having a degree that helps you perform a job for them. There are thousands of opportunities awaiting you when you start your journey after earning a high school diploma, as you can see. Living in this current economy is not a fun experience and the more money you can make helps not only you but it helps the economy start to thrive again. You have the opportunity to prove the nay-sayers in the world wrong, and help change the world and become an effective global citizen. For those who don’t think they should earn a degree or think they can’t because they chose to go into the military or work, you can still do it! In this day and age we all need an edge in order to get anywhere and succeed, empower yourself to become the successful young man or woman you know you can be and get a degree.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Test Questions: Hispanic and Latino American Diversity

Many of the immigrants made their move based on what they perceived to be better economic opportunities in the US during the sass's. Perceived economic opportunities escalated the northward movement in the asses. These groups had been classified as non-whites in the ass's and since the mid ass's many of the immigrants have made their migration based on civil unrest in their homelands. Immigrants from Central and South America have increased in numbers rapidly since he sass's and have even outnumbered the Mexicans that have migrated. WOW) Although economic opportunities is the main reason for the migration of so many central and south Americans, the fighting and unrest is an equal motivator for these people, as the demographic ranges from peasants to wealthy individuals. In America there was a conscious effort to degrade and cheapen the Spanish language. The school systems were allowed to continue to discourage the use of Spanish in classrooms by Spanish speaking children. This was do ne systematically by separating the Spanish children from the White children. There was an initiative to place Spanish students in Mexican schools to keep White children separated from them.This was known as the De Cure school segregation. These Mexican schools were severely under capitalized. In 1970, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled, in Concerns v. Corpus Christi Independent School District, in favor of Concerns. This was a major win for the long term war because the Supreme Court deemed that the De Cure segregation was unconstitutional. However, for the short term battle, this ruling did little for the immediate treatment of the Spanish students in Florida, New York and he Southwest, children who spoke Spanish at school were punished, given detention, fined and even expelled from school.There were various stages of Cuban migration to the United States which started AC n EYE ruling ten revolution. I nerve were tenure major large migrations Into ten US through the US. The first round of immigrants to the tune of 200,000 Cubans made their move after Castor's assumption of power, that first group of immigrants stopped when the missile crisis in October 1962, at this time all legal talks were at a stalemate. AC Immigration started up again in 1965 after Cuba and The US came to a round of dual agreements, which is known as Freedom Flights, which involved charter flights from Havana to Miami.More than 340,000 refugees made their migration to the United States between 1965 and 1973. The majority of these people settled in Miami. The third major and most controversial migration took place in 1980, The Maries boatload. More than 124,000 refugees escaped from Cuba. These Cubans fled political and economic oppression when arriving into the United States, these people were very poor and Castro made his political points by punishing the people, rationing food on a monthly basis and wrongly imprisoning people.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Role of Stakeholder

Role of Stakeholder Jane C. Doe MGT/420 December 10, 2012 George Wells Role of Stakeholder The role of stakeholder in implementing a quality management process is one that has many facets. When an organization decides to embark upon a quality management process there are many people, internally and externally, dependent upon or affected in some way by the final product, output or process (â€Å"Tutorialspoint†,  2012). In order to decide who the stakeholders will be in the process, management of the stakeholder process is essential.First, it is important to identify all those required to ensure the success of creating an efficient process; those involved are either inside or outside of the organization (â€Å"Tutorialspoint†,  2012). Second, an analysis to ascertain what the stakeholder’s needs, boundaries, expectations, locus of control within the process, and mutual relationships will be is necessary to make sure everyone involved understands his or her rol e (â€Å"Tutorialspoint†,  2012).A third and also important step is the process of engaging all stakeholders early on in the project. Stakeholders must have the ability to engage with the leaders of the quality management process to familiarize everyone with each other and understand each person’s role within the process. When working conceptually with quality management, the three spheres of quality known as quality management, quality control, and quality assurance each have their own role but also overlap (Foster, Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality,   2007).In each of the spheres mentioned herein, stakeholders play various roles. In order for an organization to achieve, maintain, and improve the quality of its offerings, companies use quality control and quality assurance processes and procedures (â€Å"Tutorialspoint†,  2012). Organizations will define their internal quality standards, procedures, and processes as well as develop stakehold ers who will be required to adhere to those standards when dealing with quality control. Stakeholders will monitor process apability and stability, measure process performance, develop and maintain control charts and more (Foster, Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality,  2007). In terms of quality assurance, stakeholders are required to put forth a continuous effort to improve the quality practices within the organization. According to  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Tutorialspoint†Ã‚  (2012),  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Continuous improvements are expected in quality functions in the company. For this, there is a dedicated quality assurance team commissioned†Ã‚  (Quality Control & Quality Assurance).The stakeholders of a quality assurance team are dedicated to and responsible for defining a process for achieving and improving quality; they are responsible for process improvement (Foster, Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality,  2007). â€Å"The management processes that overarch and tie together the control and assurance activities make up quality management† (Foster, 2007, Chapter 1, Differing Perspectives on Quality). According to Foster  (2007),  the mixed view of quality management up holds the notion that quality is the responsibility of all management, not just quality managers (Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality).So in the case of implementing a quality management process, managers, supervisors, and employees are all stakeholder of varying degrees in implementing quality management activities such as planning, creating the quality culture, providing leadership and support, providing training and employee recognition, and facilitating organizational communication (Foster, Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality,   2007). Two companies that utilized world-class quality control plans are General Electric (GE) and Federal Express (FedEx). To keep GE ahead, managers have devised an array of corporate strategies. They put exceptio nally heavy reliance on the quality control program that far outstrips run-of-the-mill efforts†Ã‚  (Foster, 2007, Chapter 1, Differing Perspectives on Quality). FedEx utilizes the value-added perspective on quality (Foster, Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality, 2007). â€Å"To reach its aggressive quality goals, the company has set up one cross-functional team for each service component of the SQI† (Foster, 2007, Chapter 1, Differing Perspectives on Quality).The SQI is a 12-component index that FedEx uses that comprehensively describes how its performance is viewed by its customers. Each item in the service quality indicator is weighted to reflect how pointedly it affects overall customer service (Foster, Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality,  2007). References Foster, S. T. (2007). Managing quality. Integrating the supply chain (3rd ed. ). Retrieved from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/content/eBookLibrary2/content/eReader. aspx#gloss01_357. Tutor ialsPoint. (2012). Retrieved from http://www. tutorialspoint. com/management_concepts/stakeholder_management. htm

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Walden and Transcendentalism

Henry Thoreau’s masterpiece, Walden or a Life in the Woods, shows the impact transcendentalism had on Thoreau’s worldview. Transcendentalism is a philosophy that asserts the primacy of the spiritual over the material. Transcendentalism puts the emphasis on spiritual growth and understanding as opposed to worldly pleasures. Thoreau’s idea of transcendentalism stressed the importance of nature and being close to nature. He believed that nature was a metaphor for spiritual enlightenment. A walk in the woods therefore was a search for spiritual enlightenment.One should look ‘through’ nature, not merely ‘at’ her. In Walden, Thoreau’s idea of transcendentalism is broken into three areas. The first is the importance of the spiritual world as opposed to material wants. He accentuates this idea by explaining how the physical world only exists so that souls can experience life to the fullest. Thoreau speaks a great deal about physical prope rty in the first chapter, entitled â€Å"Economy†. He keeps a detailed record of the economic cost of his venture into the woods and explains to his readers his pity for the people who have numerous material possessions.Thoreau states, â€Å"When I have met an immigrant tottering under a bundle which contained his all†¦I have pitied him, not because that was his all, but because he had all that to carry. †[1] The second transcendentalism theme is the idea of individuality- the idea that an individual is unique and should act according to his personality and ideals. Individuality is a basic idea of the transcendentalists and they firmly believed that one should search for ‘self-discovery’.Thoreau observed, â€Å"Every man is the builder of a temple, called his body, to the god he worships, after a style purely his own, nor can he get off by hammering marble instead. †[2] He emphasized the â€Å"style† as an individual style, one that was distinctive to each person. He even told his readers in Walden that he went into the woods to search for knowledge and truth. Self-discovery and individuality were also attributed to any other characters in Walden that were mentioned. Thoreau takes great pains to describe each character, even down to the farmer’s â€Å"wrinkled, sibyl-like, cone-headed†[3] infant in chapter 10, â€Å"Baker Farm†.He makes sure his readers understand the unique attributes of each individual in his experiences. As Thoreau once said, â€Å"It is what a man thinks of himself that really determines his fate. † The final prominent transcendentalism theme expressed in Walden is the importance of experiences. Transcendentalists believed personal experience is how one learned. Literally, people learned everything the hard way. Thoreau demonstrated this clearly in the experiment of living in the woods for two years. He explains in Walden that he wanted to experience living simply fo r an extended period of time.Notice that Thoreau did not speculate, draw conclusions, or even ask someone who had tried it. The only way, in his mind, that he was going to learn about living simply was to undergo it personally. In speaking about life in the chapter, â€Å"Where I lived and What I Lived For†, Thoreau said,â€Å"†¦if [life] proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion. †[4] He emphasized living and feeling everything to be able to understand life and its meaning.Walden is often viewed as simply a proponent of environmental care and nature. However, it persuades the reader to do much more than take care of nature. In fact, nature is not even the most prominent ideal in Thoreau’s writings. The thesis of Walden is clearly stated in the first few pages of the book. Thoreau writes, â€Å"With respect to luxuries and comforts, the wisest have ever lived a more simple and meager life than the poor†¦None can be an impartial or wise observer of human life but from the vantage ground of what we should call voluntary poverty. [5] The entirety of the â€Å"Economy† chapter is devoted to material possessions and Thoreau’s idea that the physical pleasures exist only to help the soul endure. Very little time is spent on the goodness of nature. When it is mentioned, it is shown, as was stated above, that nature serves as a sort of looking glass to spiritual ideals. Because this book was quoted often by radical groups in 1960-70, Walden became a sign of disobedience and rebellion to the conservative community. However, there are a few ideas of which Christians can approve. The first is non-materialism.Thoreau quotes Matthew 6:19 saying, â€Å"By a seeming fate, commonly called necessity, they are employed, as it says in an old book, laying up treasures which moth and rust will corrupt and thieves break through and steal. It is a fool’s life, as they will find when they get to the end of it, if not before. †[6] He takes great pains throughout the entire book to make sure his readers understand that material possessions should not be the only thing in which people place all of their happiness. The second idea Christians can applaud is the idea of individuality.As was mentioned above, Thoreau kept the Transcendentalist idea of a person’s individual worth in his writings. Because of this belief, he was one of the most outspoken human rights activists in his lifetime. He wrote A Plea for Captain John Brown supporting John Brown’s efforts to end slavery. Thoreau said, â€Å"I do not believe in erecting statues to those who still live in our hearts, whose bones have not yet crumbled in the earth around us, but I would rather see the statue of Captain Brown in the Massachusetts State-House yard, than that of any other man whom I know. I rejoice that I live in this age, that I am his contemporary. [7] His belief in the basic human rights of every man stemmed from his support of individuality and the unique worth of every person on this planet. Even though there are a few ideas that Christians can applaud in Walden, there is one of which they should be wary. This idea is the idea that rebellion and disobedience towards government is acceptable if one believes the government is wrong. Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his eulogy for Thoreau, articulated this idea, saying that Thoreau opposed the government. Thoreau disrespected government officials by refusing to obey tax laws and paid for it by spending a brief time in jail.However, many people, instead of realizing the negative influence Thoreau was creating, idealized him for his ‘patriotic’ stance. Thoreau says in Walden, â€Å"One afternoon, near the end of the first summer†¦I was seized and put into jail, because, a s I have elsewhere related I did not pay a tax to, or recognize the authority of, the state which buys and sells men, women, and children, like cattle at the door of its senate-house. †[8] He did not recognize the authority of the government because of the slavery in the country. Even though slavery is immoral, Romans 13:1 clearly states, â€Å"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities.For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. †[9] The Bible articulates that Christians must be subject to those whom God has placed into authority. Thoreau discourages this idea and instead institutes an attitude of rebellion. Christians should be cautious of this attitude and worldview. Very few instances occur in which Christians should rebel against authority. The only instance where they should rebel is under a government which demands that its citizens disobey God’s orders. Walden was written many years ago and ye t, society can still learn from the author’s words.Whether the ideas are detrimental or helpful, everyone can agree that Thoreau was a strong Transcendentalist with a distinct mindset. This mindset affects everyone who reads his works. Emerson once articulated that Thoreau inspired many around him through his idealistic thinking. Thoreau has inspired, and will continue to inspire, numerous people through his book, Walden or a Life in the Woods. ———————– [1] Henry David Thoreau, Walden ; and Civil Disobedience (New York: Barnes and Nobles Classics, 2003), 56. 2] Henry David Thoreau, Walden ; and Civil Disobedience (New York: Barnes and Nobles Classics, 2003), 175. [3] Henry David Thoreau, Walden ; and Civil Disobedience (New York: Barnes and Nobles Classics, 2003), 161 [4] Henry David Thoreau, Walden ; and Civil Disobedience (New York: Barnes and Nobles Classics, 2003), 74 (brackets added) [5] Henry David Thoreau, Walden ; and Civil Disobedience (New York: Barnes and Nobles Classics, 2003), 16 [6] Henry David Thoreau, Walden ; and Civil Disobedience (New York: Barnes and Nobles Classics, 2003), 9 [7] â€Å"Thoreau–On John Brown,† Virginia Commonwealth University, http://www. cu. edu/engweb/transcendentalism/authors/thoreau/johnbrown. html (accessed September 15, 2010). [8] Henry David Thoreau, Walden ; and Civil Disobedience (New York: Barnes and Nobles Classics, 2003), 137 [9] â€Å"Passage: Romans 13:1 (ESV Bible Online),† Good News / Crossway Home – Christian Books, Gospel Tracts, and the English Standard Version (ESV) Bible, http://www. gnpcb. org/esv/search/? q=Romans 13:1 (accessed September 15, 2010).

Friday, September 13, 2019

Application of Criminological Theory

This paper will focus on the application of criminological theory in the following scenario: As the vice principal in charge of discipline at a prestigious school, I need to determine what actions to take in dealing with a deviant eighth grade male student. This student comes from a disadvantaged socioeconomic background and has now been caught in a physical altercation with another student. My direct supervisor, the principal, believes it is in the student’s best interest to remain at our school.As I am in charge of discipline, I will suggest several possible courses of action, incorporating criminological theories, to be used either singly or in tandem. The first course of action would be to speak to both of the students involved in the altercation and in turn, their parents. Although it is not an excuse, it is possible that there was some instigation preceding the altercation. Speaking with both students may paint a picture as to the nature of what transpired and how it could have been avoided. In any case, both students will be reprimanded as we have a zero tolerance policy for such acts here at the school. To properly understand the deviant student, let’s call him David, it will be necessary to find out more about his background, social and family ties, peer influences, general demeanor, and any goals or hopes he has. I cannot simply classify David as a juvenile delinquent or a future criminal. To label him may do more harm than good. Labeling Theory The labeling theory asserts that once an individual has deviated from the social norms of society, they are labeled as a delinquent or a criminal, and begin to behave as such (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011).In other words, if David is continuously labeled by the school, his peers, and society in general as a juvenile delinquent then he will begin to believe it himself. His self-esteem and self-worth will go down and he will begin viewing himself as a juvenile delinquent. Once David has accepted his label, he will begin to engage in more and more deviant acts. So it is important here that I am sensitive to his situation and avoid putting a label on him for one discretionary act. Social Disorganization Theory We know that David comes from a disadvantaged socioeconomic background.It is likely that he lives in an environment where social ties are poor and delinquent peer groups are abundant. Such communities have a higher crime rate and a higher rate of delinquency, as explained by their weak social bonds. Socially organized and tight-knit communities are more likely to supervise and control teenage peer groups where socially disorganized communities are not (McCord, 1992). External factors such as lack of supervision and a weak social bond may be contributing to David’s delinquency. Unfortunately, the school can do little in the way of helping him and his family out of their community. However, creating a social bond of sorts here at the school may help David move from a perhaps delinquent peer group to one more conscientious of social norms and societal laws. I would suggest trying to get David involved in a sport or another social club at the school. Again, finding out what he is interested in is an important part of helping him. We want David to feel socially accepted and increase his self-esteem. Learning Theories Learning theories suggest that antisocial, deviant, and criminal behavior is not instilled in an individual, but learned through interactions with their environment and peers. Because of their individual circumstances, some people learn and practice behaviors that the larger society condemns. Not surprisingly, children growing up in neighborhoods rife with crime often end up committing crime themselves† (Barkan, 2009). It is essential that David associate with peers that follow and respect societies rules. The theory of differential association attributes an individual’s attitudes and views of crime and deviance to that of their immediate social groups.In other words, if David’s peer group is deviant, he will be deviant as well. Another explanation for that follows the theory of differential identification; David may feel the need to â€Å"fit in† and be accepted as a member of a group. By acting like the group he has chosen to fit in to; dressing like they do, speaking the way they speak, and engaging in the same deviant activities they engage in, he gains their approval and is accepted as part of the group. In the same manner, David is learning deviant behavior because he is exposed to it on a regular basis.He may see violence and deviance as a social norm (and therefore acceptable) because in his immediate environment it is a normal occurrence. Finally, through differential reinforcement, this learned behavior is reinforced through reward or praise from his peer group. Perhaps he see’s frequent violence in which the person committing the violence is never reprimanded. If David believes he can commit these acts with little fear of reprimand or with the encouragement of his peer group, he is more likely to do so and not even feel like he has done anything wrong.School is a place with many rules and many types of interactions with different people. Clearly what is acceptable in David’s home environment and peer group is not acceptable here. It is important that he understand what is right and wrong in this setting and furthermore, in society. I will likely suggest that David speak with the school’s psychologist to determine how much learned deviant behavior he has experienced. This will also give him an opportunity to bond with someone who respects social norms and laws. Control TheoriesUnlike other criminological theories, control theories set out to learn not why individuals commit crime, but why they do not commit crime (Akers Sellers, 2004). David’s meeting with the school psychologist will also shed some light on where he measures using some of the control theories. The containment theory introduces the possibility that there are internal and external influences that guide an individual away from committing crime. Internally, that individual’s positive self-image and tolerance for frustration help sway them from becoming deviant.On the other side, external influences like positive role models and a close family bond will do the same (Barkan, 2009). Travis Hirshi’s social bonding theory had several explanations for the behavior of juveniles. These explanations included supported research that found that â€Å"youth’s who were strongly attached to their parents were less likely to commit criminal acts† and â€Å"youths who maintained weak and distant relationships with people tended toward delinquency† (Evans, n. d. ) One final addition to control theories, although there are several more, is the coercive control and social support theory.This theory, in short, states that an individual is coerced into crime either through fear or through other means, such as poverty. Whether that individual has strong social support from family, their community, and social institutions such as school, has a large impact on the likelihood that the individual with commit crime. While each of these control theories introduce several ideas about why individual’s may or may not commit crime, one similarity is present throughout. The presence of a strong social bond with friends, family, and community encourages a crime free existence. To encourage David to head down the right path, so to speak, we need to fortify his social bonds. Life-Course Theories Life-course theories focus on what factors occur during different stages of one’s life that may promote delinquency or crime. These factors include: socioeconomic status, poor and inconsistent parenting, weak social bonds, poor school performance, and delinquent peers. (Barkan, 2009). The recurring theme across the life-course theories is that it is weak social bonds, poor parenting, and the influence of delinquent peers that determine an individual’s susceptibility to deviant behavior.Strain, or stress, result from an individual’s perceived inadequacies making them even more susceptible. Such strain can be caused by any number of the causal factors of delinquency listed above. A young and impressionable individual such as David may experience strain because of his socioeconomic status, his difficulty at the school, or many other reasons. The more strain one experiences, the more likely they are to display deviant behavior. Conclusion I fully support the principal’s decision to keep David at the school as it truly is in his best interest.My final disciplinary decision regarding the physical altercation between David and the other student will include several days of in-school suspension where both boys will be able to serve out their punishment while still completing school assignments, separated from the rest of the students of course. I am compelled to reach out to David and give him every opportunity to reform. I will be speaking with the teacher who made the initial complaint regarding David to explain to them that he is in need of a positive role model and positive reinforcement.A visit with the school’s psychologist will also be made. Not only will this give David an outlet to perhaps discuss his problems, it will also expose him to another positive influence and someone who can help him cope with any anger issues he may have. Introducing David to positive and close social bonds is already decreasing the chance that he will engage in more deviant behavior. Suggestions will be made that he engage in a sport or other social clubs at the school. This will encourage David to interact with a less deviant peer group.There will also be a meeting between David and myself. I will explain to David that his current behaviors are unacceptable here at school and any further infractions will be dealt with swift and more severe punishments. Once that has been discussed, I would like to find out more about what goals David has. In doing so, I can help motivate him to obtain these goals. My intention is to make it clear to him that I am there to help with any issues he has and that he can feel comfortable coming to me, or any other school staff, if he needs to.In closing, the main goal here is to help David by introducing positive role models, making him feel socially accepted to increase his self-esteem, strengthen his social bonds, and encourage him to interact with people in a more positive way. If nowhere else, a school should foster these values to reduce a child’s likelihood of delinquency. ? References Akers, R. , Sellers, C. (2004). Student Study Guide for Criminological Theories: Introduction, Evaluation, and Application (4th ed. ). Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Company.

Would Apple, Inc. Stockholders be Better Financially if They Received Research Paper

Would Apple, Inc. Stockholders be Better Financially if They Received Dividends Annually - Research Paper Example Investors invest their money on the assumption that though dividends may not be paid for considerable period of time, the capital appreciation due to growth will significantly justify the non-payment of dividends. The overall direction set up by Steve Jobs for Apple was based upon not paying the dividends and to accumulate a hoard of cash which can be subsequently utilized in terms of making investments into innovation. As a result of this policy, Apple went on to accumulate a large quantity of cash, the returns on which were relatively low and was considered as a drag on the returns on equity for the shareholders of Apple. One of the key reasons as to why Steve Jobs consistently pursued this policy of not paying the dividends is also based upon the fact that Apple barely avoided bankruptcy in 1997 thus Jobs was focused upon maintaining a large pile of cash which can potential avert any possibility of bankruptcy in future. (Shontell, 2011) Apple Inc, however took a new turn and annou nced that it will be sharing billions of dollars in dividends to the shareholders. This move has been considered by many as a radical shift from Job’s legacy. ... In order to avoid any such mishap in future, Jobs therefore focused upon piling up cash and neglecting paying the dividends to shareholders. Apple declared its first ever quarterly dividend in 1987 amounting to $ .12 per share however, at the same time, Apple also announced a 2 for 1 stock split too. Subsequently, however, Apple experienced losses and it became a less competitive player in the market. Due to this sliding, Apple gradually reduced paying the dividends and finally stopped to pay the same to its investors despite making a promising start in the early years of its establishment as a leading PC maker in the world. Recent Announcement of Dividends After the lapse of many years, Apple recently announced that it will start paying a quarterly dividend and will spend $45 billions in the next three years in terms of dividends as well as share buy backs. The recent announcement to pay quarterly dividend however also came with the offer of stock buy back thus signaling that Apple Inc might focus on reducing its outstanding shares in the market. (Satariano, 2012) Over the period of time, the cash pile up accumulated by Apple Inc was attracting low interest rates. In an economic environment where interest rates are relatively low thus keeping cash reserves as high as over $100 billions was considered as an imprudent financing decision. Investors therefore were of the view that hoarding such large amount of cash was actually a drag on the return on equity of the shareholders. The recent announcement therefore seems to be an effort towards listening to shareholders and provide them some sort of return in terms of dividends. However, the cash used for the share buy-back as well as dividends

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Bus 234 AC P1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Bus 234 AC P1 - Essay Example As the economy continues shifting from up to down, the management team of the logistic Exel ensures every department is focused on delivering customer satisfaction including international express airfreight and overland transport. Since the company relies most on deliveries, training is an important tool for the success of the company. Because information technology rapidly continues to undergo changes and is the leading source of most companies, logistic Exel company is aiming at incorporating the needs assessment that involves the process of evaluating the employees, the tasks performed by the employees and the whole organization to help in determining the necessary training if they are needed. The company should train its employees on the use of new software before introducing them to their computers to ease the work of the employee. It is also observed that the introduction of technology in the company has helped the company improve its services and expand even

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

3.Describe a scenario in which you would use the custom reports Essay

3.Describe a scenario in which you would use the custom reports feature under the Reports menu in the MS Project 2010 Project View - Essay Example The customs feature permits users to develop customized and pre-defined reports. Additionally, in MS Project 2003, one can easily locate the report link under the section of View | Reports. In MS Project 2007, similar features are found in Report | Reports. When users choose these reports link, a dialog box with unique custom features pops up. The customs feature may be used when users want to view details of their plans in varied ways (Schwalbe, 2011). A solitary report may entail a dynamic mixture of textual content, charts, and tables. Dissimilar to many views in MS Project, a story resembles a blank canvas where you can place any elements. The features include charts and tables that emphasize on information that interests users (Schwalbe, 2011). The custom features, similarly, helps users to develop particular information needs for the corresponding projects. The custom feature allows the execution of numerous functions that would otherwise be bulky and daunting. The individual features make report creation a simple

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Britain At The Paris Peace Conference Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Britain At The Paris Peace Conference - Essay Example The overall outcomes of the Conference have been usually labelled as failure, but such view is not fully correct. On the one hand, the treaties signed during the Paris negotiations did fail to secure peace in Europe in the long-term. On the other hand, the problems facing the negotiating parties at that difficult time were too complicated and often defied effective solutions1. However, the fact that some nations participating in the conference benefited more than others from the conditions of peace can hardly be put in question. Analysis of the key provisions negotiated during the Paris Peace Conference convincingly demonstrates that Britain was one of the participants whom managed to have their requirements satisfied to an acceptable extent. Although the common goal of the leaders involved in the Paris negotiations was apparently to restore peace and stability in Europe, the Conference immediately exposed serious disagreement between the Allies concerning how to threat Germany. The views were highly contradictory with the Big Three leaders balancing between the long-term political benefits of their countries, varying interests of their partners, and the public opinions of their nations. French Prime Minister Clemenceau perceived Germany as a potential threat to stability and peace in Europe, and a threat to security of his country. Therefore, France claimed that Germany was obliged to "cover the costs of restoration of invaded territories and repayment of war debts [and that] a long period of stiff repayments would have the added advantage of keeping Germany financially and economically weak"2. Such claim clearly demonstrated the reasonable fear of France that light penalties would result in rapid recovering and further strengthening of Germany. The Fourteen points of President Wilson reflected his highly idealist and pacifist views on the political developments in Europe: perhaps that is why Wilson failed to convince the Allies accept his moderate position on the economic obligations of Germany. On the other hand, Britain was extremely concerned with the revival and further development of international trade which constituted the cornerstone of the country's economic potency3. Lloyd George understood that Germany ruined by excessively hard economic claims of France and other Allies would seriously undermine marketability of British goods in the European market: "While the British government saw 66 million potential German customers, the French government trembled at the prospect of 66 million German soldiers and possible invaders."4. The British representatives also viewed Germany as a potential "barrier-fortress against the Russians"5 and reasonably considered that only country with healthy economy tied by strongly trade-b ased relationships could effectively fulfil such mission. Evidently, while none of the major players had his interests fully satisfied, the economic provisions of the Treaty of Versailles came closer to satisfying the requirements of British delegation. An exact monetary figure Germany was obliged to pay to the Allies never appeared in the Treaty, and despite the claims of Britain and Germany that the terms of reparations were still too harsh, the truth was "the Treaty of Versailles had left [Germany] largely intact, with a population almost double that of France, and

Monday, September 9, 2019

Brazil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Brazil - Essay Example (CIA, 2007) Brazil has a multiethnic social structure with Roman Catholicism as the dominant religion and Portuguese as the main language. It is characterized by natural surroundings, wildlife diversity, protected habitats. It terms of demography, it is fifth most populous nation in the world and in terms of geographical area it is the fifth largest. Brazil is officially known as the Federative Republic of Brazil. (CIA, 2008) The natives of Brazil are perceived to have descended from the North Asian migrants of around 9000BC. In the beginning due to the already generated high profits from trade with India, Japan and China, Brazil did not evoke much interest in the Portugal colonists. The country was economically exploited mostly for its Brazilwood which provided the red dye. Previously they had established temporary trading establishments which ensured the trade of brazilwood but later permanent settlement ensured the setting up of sugarcane industry. The nation turned out to be agri culture based economy from where the Portuguese exported the agricultural commodities to European nations. With time the most crucial colonial product of Brazil was sugar and this remained equally important till the eighteenth century when there was a crisis as they faced competition from both Dutch and French sugar producers located close to Europe. This led to a fall in the price of sugar. Even gold production declined towards the close of the eighteenth century. The Portuguese administration still kept its integrity by sending bullions to the nation. The nation however has undergone wide scale changes overtime and currently are known as an emerging economy of the world. The changes have occurred in all dimensions including the social, economic and political scenario. Emerging Markets is a term which is used to refer to the social and economic operations of a nation which is in its way towards fast growth process and industrialization. China is currently considered to be the

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Evaluate and Recommend Advertising Media Options Essay

Evaluate and Recommend Advertising Media Options - Essay Example The assignment will also include advantages and disadvantages of different advertising media options. Identification of target market for the product, ideal communication media, and suggestions for marketing will also be included in the assignment. There are certain advantages and disadvantages of using different advertisement media options. Every option offers some advantages and disadvantages both. The table below will include pros and cons of using four advertisement media options like television, billboard, internet, and sponsorships. The organization under discussion is a fast moving consumer goods company that has been in the market for many years. The company has recently launched its anti germ hand washing product. The aim of the product launch is to cater to the needs of health cautious people, and therefore health safety will constitute a major theme in the marketing communication of the company. The main target market for this anti germ or anti bacterial hand wash is young children and teenagers. Parents and older people are also a major target market for the product. The target audience for this hand wash is health cautious people who want to make sure that they are germ free. This is why younger generation and middle aged men and women are the main target market. Also old people are also careful about their health and this is why they are also identified as a major target market for the product. Young women, who are mainly concerned for their skin beauty, are excluded from the target market for this product. The first advantage of using television is wider reach of the media because many people across the region watch television. The second advantage is the ease with which local audience can be targeted (Pleshette, 2012). The third advantage is attractiveness of the media. The fourth advantage is the ease with which effectiveness of the media can be measured. The fifth advantage is catering to different sets of target